
Photo of a butcher paper banner with multi colored handprints.  With the text:  Thank you Parents in black.


White and blue backround with the text in red, white and blue:  Academic All Stars.  Red and white star between All and Stars.

Academic All Star Breakfast:  May 16th – Invitations went home to those who will be honored!

Multi color paint strokes in blue, yellow, orange, pink & purple. White text over the paint strokes: YEARBOOK.

We have 8 yearbooks left to sell!!! The cost is $23.00 exact change or a check made out to Sanborn Elementary. They are being sold on a first come, first served basis. If we have more students that want a yearbook than yearbooks we will have a drawing.

White backround with multicolored streamers with the text:  Ice Cream Social in red letters.

PASS Ice Cream Social / Yearbook Signing Event: Our wonderful PASS parent group is hosting our Annual Ice Cream Social on May 16th from 6:00-7:00 PM.  This will take place in our back playground area.  We would love to see everyone there to enjoy a yummy treat and to get their yearbook signed! Please report directly to the back area of the school to take part in this fun social event!!  Don’t forget a pen/marker and your yearbook or autograph paper to have friends and staff sign their names!!

Multicolored letters that say Games Day

New Games Day:   Our students will, again, experience our Annual “New Games Day” on May 17th on our playground. 1st -5th grade takes place from 9:00-11:00AM. Kindergarten is from 1:30-2:30PM.   This is a wonderful “entrepreneurial” experience where our 5th grade students ‘invent’ new games and “pitch” the game idea to teachers.  The chosen games will be played by our primary grades for a fun experience with laughter and excitement. PARENTS–if you are attending, please check in at the front office and check out when you leave.

White backround with blue lettering:  Class of 2024

Longmont High School Graduation Sanborn “Walk”: We will host graduating students from Longmont High School on a celebratory walk through our building during our last week of school.  This is a fun way for our students to “peek into the future” and see graduates in their caps and gowns!

Image of multicolored books set up as steps with image of students walking up the steps.  Text in black:  Moving On Up

“Move Up” Day:  On Tuesday, May 21st (during the school day), our students will get to “move up” to the next grade for a quick peek and introduction to the next grade.   Students will be escorted by 5th grade leaders to their next grade level to see the new area.  This is a fun experience for our students to feel the excitement of what next year has in store for them!

Image of a blond boy with a green & yellow striped shirt kicking a kick ball.

Staff vs 5th Grade Kickball Game: Our Annual Staff/5th Grade Kickball Game will commence on May 22nd!!  This is always a fun event where the 5th graders try to ‘beat’ the Sanborn Staff!!  Good Luck, 5th Graders!!

Image of a boy and girl wearing a blue cap and gown.

Pre-K Continuation Ceremony: We will be hosting a continuation ceremony for our preschoolers that will be moving on to Kindergarten next year on Wednesday, May 22nd. Details went home to our preschool families from Mrs. Johnson.

Chalkboard backround with a multicolored banner across the top.  Text in multicolored letters:  Next Stop Middle School

5th Grade Promotion: Our 5th grade families are invited to come to the Promotion Program on Wednesday, May 22nd, at 6:00PM.  This is a wonderful event that helps us celebrate our 5th graders for all their accomplishments!  We are so proud of these students and know they are destined for greatness! Details will go home to our 5th grade families.

White backround with the text:  Health Office in black lettering.  Image of a red cross and and a Bandaid.

A note from the health office:  Please make sure all medication is picked up by Thursday 05/23/24. Per district policy medication cannot be sent home with students, and must be signed out by a parent. Any medication not picked up will be destroyed. Office hours are 7:30-3:30. Please contact Heather Huizenga with any questions.  If your student has borrowed any clothing from the health office please wash and return these items.

Picture of an iPad.

IPads Over the Summer:  Students will be taking home their iPads over the summer break. This is a great time to continue to access iReady Reading lessons and other fun and educational opportunities.  However, we all know accidents can happen.  If you haven’t purchased the iPad insurance already, now is the time to do so.  This way, any damages that may happen over the break will be covered and you will not be responsible for payment.  The insurance is $12.50- a small price for piece of mind over the break!  Please contact the front office if you would like to get that added on before summer starts!

Image of a brown box with lost and found items in it.

Lost and Found:  We have unclaimed items that will be on display in the front lobby vestibule the last week of school.  Teachers will have students take time to see if any items belong to them, however, you may want to pop over to look through the items, as well. Please come check for any items that your student has misplaced this year!

Image of the word picnic in checked lettering with a black ant perched on top.  Text in black lettering:  End of School

Farewell Picnic : We will host our End of The School Year Farewell Picnic on May 23rd at 11:30.  If you would like to come enjoy lunch with your student on this last day of school, please note our procedures for this event:

**Please do not check into the front office.  Instead, you will need to go to the back field area to find your child’s teacher.  The back field will be divided by grades with signs.  (If you have multiple students in different grades/classes, you will need to sign one out to sit with another student/grade).   If you decide that you would like for your student(s) to leave after the picnic, you will need to SIGN them out from their teacher.  Each teacher will have a sign out sheet.  If your student will not be leaving, please do not sign them out and they will return with their teacher to their class after the picnic.

boy and girl smiling and working on art project

Community Schools K-5 Registration for 2024-2025: Community Schools offers dynamic extended learning day opportunities for children in grades K-5. Students are provided with a nurturing environment before- and after-school that fosters academic achievement, community, social-emotional growth, and creativity. Availability is limited and interested families are encouraged to register early and select their anticipated days of care immediately.   Learn More About the Registration Process

We are registering for all grades!!

Please visit the SVVSD enrollment webpage for more information or contact our Registrar, Sarah Adams, [email protected] (303)772-3838.

King Soopers Logo--red backround with white stripes. King in in white lettering, Soopers is in yellow lettering.


King Soopers:  Go online to and create an account.  (This can also be done through the app.)  Simply register your King Soopers reward card under “King Soopers Community Rewards” at the bottom of the page.  Under “Find An Organization” enter the code for Sanborn: QP883.  Now every time you shop at King Soopers you are helping support Sanborn!!!  These funds are used to fund extra support at recess!! ****After shopping, turn in your receipts with your child’s name and teacher code on it to the tub by the office for a chance to win monthly prizes.

Sanborn Elementary School