Image of multicolored pencils in a row with the text PASS above it standing for Parent Association of Sanborn Students.

Dear Sanborn Families–We hope this message finds you well.  As we look to the end of the 23-24 school year and look forward to the 24-25 school year Sanborn PASS is reaching out to our fantastic community of parents and guardians for your support.

Our parent group plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational experience for our students and supporting our dedicated staff.  We are seeking volunteers to join us in various capacities, contributing their time, skills and passion to make a positive impact on our school community.

Please click HERE to see the volunteer opportunities available.  Your involvement, no matter how big or small, is highly valued and appreciated.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to working together to make our school successful!!!

Sanborn Elementary School