
Dear Dragons,

March is here, and with it comes an exciting month full of activities and milestones at our school! We have a late start tomorrow, and our 1st, 2nd, and 4th graders will shine in their music programs on March 6th. Class pictures are scheduled for March 12th, so get those smiles ready! As we prepare to welcome spring, we also have Spring Break from March 17th-21st, giving our students a well-deserved rest. Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time begins on March 9th—adjusting sleep schedules a few days ahead can help students transition smoothly. Later in the month, we will celebrate our hardworking students at the Academic All-Star Breakfast on March 28th. While we continue working toward our end-of-year goals, we’re also preparing for CMAS testing in April for grades 3, 4, and 5. It’s a busy and exciting time, and we look forward to all that this month has to offer—including the arrival of spring! Thank you for your continued support!! GO DRAGONS!

Warm regards,

Lori Peeples

Principal, Sanborn Elementary

Image of a blue oval with the text: Culver's Frozen Custard, ButterBurgers in white






Image of the 5210 + logo in white letters. The 5 is in a red block with the text fruits and vegetables. The 2 is in an orange block with the text hours or less of screen time. The 1 is in a green block with the text hour of physical activity. The zero is in a blue block with the text sugary drinks. The plus sign is in a purple block with the text 9 or more hours of sleep.

DON’T FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR 5210 LOG ONLINE AT: redcap.link/noco5210challenge by TOMORROW, MARCH 5TH AT 9:00PM!!

Text: American Furniture Warehouse. The "A" is in red, white & blue with white stars. The rest of the text is in red with a yellow star dotting the 'I".


Friday, 2/28/25-Sunday, 3/9/25

Mention our school or ID: SES446 at check out.

2-4% of your purchase supports our school.

Purchases any time of year count too!!

Earn a chance to win a $500 gift card if purchases are made during an AFW Store Rally.

Multi color paint strokes in blue, yellow, orange, pink & purple. White text over the paint strokes: YEARBOOK.

THE DEADLINE TO ORDER A YEARBOOK HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 3/17/25. This year we will be selling them online only. The cost is $24.00 and you can order until 3/17/25!! WE PREORDER A LIMITED AMOUNT SO DON’T MISS OUT!!! Every year we have disappointed students that forgot to order. Please click on this link: https://plicbooks.com/go/5UHAVU

Teal backround with the image of a wristwatch and the text Late Start in white.

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

Grades: K-5th

Preschool maintains their regular schedule

First Bell: 10:55

Tardy Bell: 11:00

Breakfast is not served.

Row of colored pencils with the text PASS, Parent Association for Sanborn Students

Our next meeting is:

– Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

– 6:30 – 7:30 pm

– Sanborn Library

Can’t attend? Join the conversation online at https://sanborn.club (register with the invite code “dragons”).

If you would like to be a part of our fun parent group, please pop over on March 5th for our PASS meeting.  Joining PASS (Parent Association for Sanborn Students) is a fantastic way to get involved and make a positive impact on our school community! By attending meetings, you’ll connect with other parents, gain insight into school happenings, and play a role in planning fun and enriching events for our students. Your input and involvement are invaluable to creating a supportive environment for all Sanborn families!

Clip art of 2 elementary age boys and 2 elementary age girl singing and dancing

Music Programs:

Thursday, March 6th

1st/2nd Grade Music Program 6:00 PM

4th Grade Music Program 7:00 PM

Row of round lollipops in red, purple, yellow, green and blue

SANBORN STUDENT COUNCIL WILL BE SELLING LOLLIPOPS on March 11th, 12th and 13th. Students can purchase this sweet treat for just $1.00. Limit 3 lollipops per student each day!! Flyers went home in Tuesday folders today!!!

Picture of a stick figure holding a report card.

2nd Trimester Report Cards: Important Update on Report Cards

The 2nd-trimester report cards will be sent home in Tuesday folders on ***March 11th. ***Corrected Date. However, this will be the last printed report card we distribute. Beginning with the 3rd trimester, parents will need to access their child’s report card through Infinite Campus (IC).

If you would like to access your child’s report card in I.C. this trimester, please go to:

Link to Spanish:  https://svvsd.service-now.com/esc?id=kb_article&table=kb_knowledge&sysparm_article=KB0010327&searchTerm=parent%20portal%20instructions

Link to English:  https://svvsd.service-now.com/esc?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0010041

Moving forward—into next year and beyond—all report cards will be available exclusively online through IC.

Thank you for your support as we make this transition!

Clip art of a class of young students with their teacher having their picture taken.

Sanborn Class/Club/Spring Individual Picture Day is Wednesday, March 12, 2025. You can access the online ordering portal by going to www.mymjthomas.com  and entering our school’s event password:  C505 Online ordering ends 3 days after picture day. Payment envelopes were NOT sent home but are available in the office upon request if you prefer not to order online.

PLEASE NOTE: Club pictures are under Group Photos.

Class pictures are under School Photos.

If you have questions, please call our office at 303-772-3838.

Image of a street sign in yellow with a picture of the sun at the top with the words Spring Break in multicolored letters.



Image of a Colorado C in red & yellow, text: Rock the CMAS Test.

CMAS INFORMATION:  This April Colorado students will take end-of-year assessments called CMAS or Colorado Measures of Academic Success. Students in grades 3-8 will take English language arts and math tests. Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 will take science tests. CMAS tests measure student progress on the Colorado Academic Standards, which outline what students should understand, know and be able to do at each grade level and in each content area. CMAS data helps determine if educational goals are being met and if students are on track to graduate prepared for college and career. With this assessment, we can improve instruction for all students and parents can gain important insights.  We will be sending a letter home for the families of the testing grades that will have the CMAS Schedule to see the states and times your child’s grade(s) will be testing. Makeup testing and missed instruction can be avoided by scheduling appointments and vacations for non-testing days and by ensuring that your student arrives at school on time. Your support is appreciated.  Student practice resources can be found here: https://coassessments.com/practice-resources/

Text: Spirit Wear in block letters with with a multi color backround: pink, yellow, green, blue, purple and orange

BE READY FOR SANBORN SPIRIT DAYS!!! Please visit our the Sanborn Spirit Store by going to: https://www.nocooutfitters.com/sanborn-dragons-1

We are registering for all grades!!

Please visit the SVVSD enrollment webpage for more information or contact our Registrar, Sarah Adams, [email protected] (303)772-3838.

Fostering Creativity, Problem-Solving, and Entrepreneurial Thinking

Creativity and problem-solving skills are essential for success in today’s world—especially in entrepreneurial pursuits where innovation and adaptability are key. You can help cultivate these abilities at home by encouraging your child to think like a problem-solver and creator. Engage them in activities like designing inventions, starting a small project or business (like a lemonade stand), or brainstorming solutions to everyday challenges. Ask open-ended questions that inspire them to explore different perspectives and develop innovative ideas. Providing them with the freedom to experiment, take risks, and learn from mistakes builds resilience and confidence—key traits of successful entrepreneurs. By nurturing their creativity and critical thinking, you’re empowering them to become resourceful, forward-thinking individuals ready to tackle any opportunity or challenge.

Mark Your Calendar in black text.  Upcoming Events in red.

3/4/25 Sanborn Night at Culver’s–flyers went home last week!

3/5/25 Late Start for K-5th Grade 11:00 AM

3/5/25 PASS Meeting 6:30PM

3/6/25 1st & 2nd Grade Music Program 6:00PM

3/6/25 4th Grade Music Program 7:00PM

3/9/25 Daylight Savings Time begins

3/11/25 Report Cards go home!!

3/11-12-13/25 STUCO Lollipop Sales

3/12/25 Class/Club/Spring Individual Picture Day

3/17-3/21/25 Spring Break

3/28/25 Academic All Star Breakfast 7:45AM

4/2/25 April Late Start for K-5th 11:00AM

4/8-4/18 CMAS Window

Sanborn Elementary School